NCSE and its research were prominently featured in "What Do America's Middle Schools Teach About Climate Change? Not Much," a lengthy article on climate change education in The New York Times (November 1, 2022).
Citing the 2014-2015 NCSE/Penn State national survey (PDF) of climate change education, the article observed, "Around half of middle school science teachers either don’t cover the subject or spend less than 2 hours a year on it," which NCSE's Deputy Director Glenn Branch characterized as inadequate.
The article also discusses the treatment of climate change in state science standards, citing "Making the Grade?" — the 2020 study by NCSE and the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund — according to which, "Half the states earned a B+ while 10 states, including Florida and Texas, got a D or worse."
Two recipients of NCSE's Friend of the Planet award were quoted or mentioned in the article: Frank Niepold, the senior climate education program manager at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network.