NCSE Staff Picks: Additional Resources for Teaching Evolution and Climate Change

There is no shortage of material available to teachers–but it's not always easy to find resources that are free and of the highest quality. We've done the sifting and sorting for you! Here are just a few NCSE Staff Picks–the best of the best when it comes to free, online climate change and evolution resources for teachers.


Understanding Evolution

This site is a one-stop shop for evolution, with everything from an "evolution 101" tutorial for teachers, to links to high-quality classroom resources, to articles on evolution in the news. There is no better place on the web for evolution education.

HHMI BioInteractive

At BioInteractive, you can find award-winning resources that bring the excitement of scientific discovery into your classroom–all 100% free. Search the website to browse hundreds of classroom-ready evolution-related resources, from short films and activities to animations and apps.

Evolution and Education Outreach

This open-access journal promotes accurate understanding and comprehensive teaching of evolutionary theory for a wide audience. It connects teachers with scientists by adapting cutting-edge, peer-reviewed articles for classroom use on varied instructional levels.

Climate Change

Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

CLEAN provides a digital collection of over 500 high-quality resources for secondary and undergraduate educators that have been reviewed by both scientists and teachers. CLEAN is the place to find climate-related resources for your classroom.

The Teacher-Friendly Guide to Climate Change

This book includes both the basics of climate change science and perspectives on teaching a subject that has become socially and politically polarized. The focus audience is high school Earth science and environmental science teachers, and it is written with an eye toward the kind of information and graphics that a secondary school teacher might need in the classroom.

Earth: The Operator's Manual

Earth: The Operator's Manual is the official website for the 2011 PBS television program of the same name featuring Penn State climate scientist Richard Alley. The website includes an annotated and illustrated script, with links to background information, interview transcripts, web-exclusive videos, resources for educators, an image gallery, and more.

This website from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has up-to-date information, resources, and activities to help you bring climate change into the classroom. Join their Climate Stewards program to get hands-on professional development and other opportunities to learn directly from NOAA experts.