NCSE's 2018 Annual Report now online

Photo from Annual Report cover of teacher with student

NCSE's annual report for 2018 is now available (PDF) on NCSE's website. The report briefly describes the progress of NCSE's Supporting Teachers program (particularly the launch of the Teacher Ambassador Program), the activities of NCSE's Breaking Down Barriers program supporting informal science education in underserved communities, and the successes of NCSE's Catalyzing Action program opposing attacks on science education. It ends with a brief financial report — especially useful for those considering donating to NCSE!   

As NCSE's executive director Ann Reid writes in her introduction to the report, "When students, teachers, administrators, and for that matter all community members are confident about their ability to think like scientists, they can fight back against misinformation by recognizing faulty reasoning, false equivalence, and other tricks aimed at distorting scientific evidence. These skills will be vital in solving the problems of our world, problems that demand a scientifically empowered citizenry."

Glenn Branch
Short Bio

Glenn Branch is Deputy Director of NCSE.