"The vigil after Dover"

A public forum -- "Keeping science and religion separate in schools: The vigil after Dover" -- held at Florida State University on May 17, 2006, is now available on-line. Participating were NCSE's executive director Eugenie C. Scott, Georgetown University theologian John F. Haught and Michigan State University philosopher Robert T. Pennock (both of whom testified as expert witnesses for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover), and philosopher Michael Ruse, biologist Joseph Travis, and law professor Steven Gey, all from Florida State University. The Pulitzer-prize-winning science writer Deborah Blum served as the moderator.

Before the event, Pennock told [Link broken] the Tallahassee Democrat (May 15, 2006), "The Dover trial really was the test case for intelligent design," and Gey suggested that after Kitzmiller policymakers would be less likely to seek to introduce creationism in the classroom: "School boards will be hesitant to go down that road," especially in light of the $1 million bill incurred by the defendants. But Scott warned that even in the absence of explicit antievolution policies, "teachers are still very intimidated about teaching evolution," adding, "When parents or school boards look cross-eyed at evolution, the tendency for teachers is just to skip those chapters."