HOUSE BILL 368 By DunnAN ACT to amend Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 6, Part 10, relative to teaching scientific subjects in elementary schools.WHEREAS, the general assembly finds that:(1) An important purpose of science education is to inform students aboutscientific evidence…
In 2012, Tennessee’s legislature enacted a 21st century "Monkey Law," a law opening the state’s science classrooms to lessons in creationism, climate change denial, and other nonscience. Declaring that "some scientific subjects required to be taught … may cause debate and disputation including, but…
When Tennessee's legislature debated a "Monkey Bill" in 2012, NCSE joined with concerned citizens to protect science classes. The bill's text singles out evolution and climate change, as if those topics were scientifically controversial, and it blocks school administrators from maintaining a…
Even if you are not eligible to sign this statement, there are lots of ways to support good science education. For example, if your local newspapers cover the AIG “museum,” be sure to respond to any inaccurate representations. Write a letter to the editor! Decide on just one or two points to…
Scientsts and faculty concerned about scientifically inaccurate exhibits at the Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky, operated by Answers in Genesis, a fundamentalist Christian ministry.Signatory and Institutional AffiliationSteve Rissing Ohio State University; Dept of Evolution, Ecology…